Lent & Easter 2025

Lent, the 40-day period before Easter, has been observed by the church for centuries. In Scripture, the number 40 is symbolic of God's formational work through hardship. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights while Noah and his family were on the ark. The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years before finally entering the promised land. Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert before his public ministry began. God uses seasons of desolation to prepare us for seasons of resurrection.

During the 40-day lenten season, Scarlet City changes some of our rhythms to create space for God to work in unique ways. We pause our City Groups in order to make space for other individual and communal practices. Here are the formative resources, gatherings and offerings we are inviting you to consider as we journey together through Lent toward the joy of Easter.

Lenten Resource

Sacred Space for Lent 2025
Purchase at the Welcome Center or online.
For Families: 40 Days of Grace (Family Prayers for Lent)

Ash Wednesday

March 5
Gatherings at 7:30 AM and 6:30 PM
Ash Wednesday is the first day of the Lenten season. It is a time for us to reflect, repent, and remember, considering how to partner with God and experience His presence in preparation for Jesus’ resurrection. We’re excited to welcome the congregation of Hope Presbyterian Church to observe Ash Wednesday with us. With pre-registration, we will have Nursery, Toddler and Pre-K classrooms (ages 4 months to 5 years) open at the evening gathering only; register here.

A Contemplative Foundation

Wednesdays, March 5 – April 9
7:15 PM
In partnership with Order of the Common Life, we are offering the course A Contemplative Foundation, which introduces the building blocks that support a contemplative life in community. Learn more and register for the course here.

Liturgy Writing Workshop: Lament

March 29
9:30 AM
The season of Lent offers space for personal reflection, and this Lent we’re exploring a particular practice, lament, by offering a liturgy writing workshop focused specifically on creating a personal liturgy of lament. Learn more and register for the workshop here.

Good Friday

April 18
Gathering at 6:30 PM
We cannot fully appreciate the glory of the resurrection without considering the gravity of the crucifixion. We hope you’ll join us for our Good Friday gathering, a Tenebrae service, where we will be joined by the congregation of Hope Presbyterian Church. With pre-registration, we will have Nursery, Toddler and Pre-K classrooms (ages 4 months to 5 years) open; register here.


April 20
Gathering at 10:00 AM
He is risen! Join us on Easter Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and consider its transformative potential for our lives.