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Read Galatians 4:4-5

Paul emphasizes the centrality of the Incarnation to the Gospel and community of believers. The phrases in this passage point to Jesus’ humanity and divinity. Jesus was not just born into this world randomly. God the Father sent the Son at a particular time and place, which was foretold by the prophets in the Scriptures. Furthermore, this act of sending before birthing suggests that the Son existed before assuming human flesh. That’s hard for me to wrap my mind around! 

By coming to the earth, the Son lived under the same laws of the world as everyone else. While Jesus grew up under Jewish law, he also still had to endure the same trials and tribulations as any other human: learning to walk and talk, hunger and thirst, the joys of friendship and good food, physical and emotional pain, anxiety, and more. 

But why does this matter? As fallen people, we have no right to claim to be children of God. We cannot earn this privilege through works or status or any worldly means. We cannot choose to adopt ourselves — we must be invited by someone who has the power and love to grant such a privilege. We are invited into a deeper relationship with the Father, Son and our fellow brothers and sisters because of the Incarnation. Just as the Son eternally dwells with the Father and we are now granted that same opportunity. What a privilege!


As you consider the Incarnation, do you find it easier to comprehend Jesus’ humanity or divinity? What practices can you engage in to cultivate a fuller understanding of the other? 

Do you view yourself as an adopted child of God? Throughout your day, how can you make it known to others that you belong to God? 


Father, thank You for sending Your Son into this broken world. By assuming human flesh, You have invited us into deeper communion with You and one another. Help us to view ourselves as Your beloved children so that we may love one another as You have loved us. 


Colin O’Grady

Colin is a part of the hospitality team and is a part of the O’Brien’s city group in Clintonville. 

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