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Read Jeremiah 29:11-14

God has an overarching plan that is unfolding throughout history. His plan is not dependent on anything outside of Himself. Nothing in all creation can thwart, enhance or alter that plan. And the plan is good and hopeful. Maybe we should say “perfect.” It’s designed to bring forth God’s dream for all creation. 

God reveals and clarifies the plan in a spectacular way at Christmas: God with us, in the flesh, walking among us, identifying with us in our own context. As Simeon said, “… thy salvation which thou hast prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to thy people Israel.” 

The amazing thing is that He wants us to join in with this evolving plan. He wants us to be an integral part of it. So how do we enlist? God actually wants us to interlace our own story with His. How might we do this? Maybe we could identify and dispense with our own personal agendas. We really don’t want to give up control of the circumstances of our lives. We want to be masters of our own fate.


What would it look like to trust God with the future? How could we bring God into decisions that shape our lives? Maybe with encouragement from Jeremiah we could begin to look for God. Could we begin to seek Him more actively as we spend time in the Word and prayer? Maybe we could celebrate Kingdom values bubbling up around us or take a stand against injustice.


Thank You, God, for orchestrating a good and beneficial plan for us. Give us the faith and courage to submit to that plan. Lord Jesus, help us to dispense with our own agendas. Help us to be alert to what you are up to all around us, and give us the courage to join in.


Andy Hunt

Andy is the proud father of Jenny and Maggie, husband of one awesome wife, and member of the Forest Park City Group. 

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